Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Current Sunday AM Series: Wild Kingdom

The world did not start out with kings and queens. People understood that God was the creator and ruler over all. Then there came a day, when the people went to God and asked for a king on earth. We all know that crazy stuff can happen when you put people in charge and that is exactly what happened.

During the next six weeks, we will explore the lives of the first kings of Israel. We will discover some of the greats, and some of the not-so-greats.

Come join us this Sunday Morning at 9am or 11am. You won't want to miss it!

Week #1 Israel: They have a King, why can't we?
Week #2 King Saul: It's hard being number one.
Week #3 King David: The humble heart of an imperfect king.
Week #4 'King' Adonijah: Calling dibs doesn't always work.
Week #5 King Uzziah: A great start leads to a crash landing.
Week #6 King Josiah: The teenage king saves the day!

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