This past Sunday we continued our Olympic Series looking at Paul's encouragement to Timothy:
" Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12We learned that we can teach and encourage others not only by our words, but by our actions as well and so let's live like people are watching. We are not too young to influence the world around us for the better, so let's
DO something.
We had some friends come by and share about one of the opportunities the students in Riptide have to do something for people in Zambia, Africa. The leaders of Walk Their Walk shared how Riptide can participate in a fundraiser and walk to raise money for two water wells. Below is information on the walk. Children in Twachiyanda, Zambia walk 12 miles to get to clean water. We are going to help "Walk Their Walk" partnered with World Vision to raise money and buy freshwater wells for that community.
In the next couple of weeks we will provide more information on how we will be raising money. We are also currently taking sign-ups for the actual walk on Saturday, September 13th. If you and your family would like to participate by walking, raising or donating money, or if you have any questions about this event, please let me know by email:
Check out the
TEAM RIPTIDE website. There you can read more about this cause, donate directly, and sign up for the walk!