Saturday, April 26, 2008

Help Us Help You!

Saturday, May 10th, Student Ministries is hosting an all-day work day to help raise money for the Journey Up Campaign. College, High School, and Middle School Students will be babysitting, cleaning houses, washing cars, and doing yard work.

Your student can get involved by filling out a card and signing up for a shift.

We need as much help as we can get that day so get those cards turned in ASAP. If you have any questions, or you would like to volunteer to drive that day, please email

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The details for this event are kept "secret" from the students to add to the fun. We would love to let you as parents know what is going on so email for the itinerary.

The key things they need to know is:
Girls need to bring pajamas to change into.
Guys need to bring tennis shoes, swim shorts and a towel.

If you have not already signed up and would like to, please email or call Christina and let her know that your student is coming so we can make sure to have enough supplies.